Thursday, 8 February 2024



"LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP," says JIMMY SEED, the 'Spurs' famous International forward.

You're thinking of becoming a pro? You've had offers? Good! But don't rush things. Take the advice given by the famous 'Spur in the article below; he's been in the game long enough to know some of the pitfalls awaiting the youngster when he takes the step.

    THERE is no doubt that, at the present moment, there exists amongst a certain section of junior footer players a keen desire to join the ranks of professionalism. This, no doubt, is a natural inclination. I, myself, have received several communications recently from young players with aspirations to a football career.

    "How can I become known to football managers with a view to a football career?"

This is the question that is usually asked by them. They have the "football brains," and are willing to gamble their chances in the football world.
Of course, at this time of the year, the younger generation of players, especially the ex-schoolboys, are busy practising with a desire to excel at our national game, and for these youngsters who are ambitious, I purpose writing a few remarks which I hope will prove useful in more ways than one.
First of all, if you feel you would like to apply to some professional club in an endeavour to draw attention to your own capabilities, be most careful in the way you word your application. For instance, let me quote a couple of letters shown me by a certain football manager, which speak for themselves. The first letter, from a youth who shall be nameless, ran as follows:
"Dear Sir, -I have been playing football since I could first toddle. Since leaving school I have played with three different clubs, and occupied six different positions. I can play inside-left, outside-left, or full-back. My weight is 10 st. 9 Ibs., and I am 5 ft. 7 ½” in my stockinged feet, and only 18 years of age. Please can you give me a trial with a view to turning pro? "

Here's the other one. "Sir, I'm big and hefty. I was originally a forward and played in the various positions in the forward-line with much distinction, now I've gone between the sticks, where my friends tell me I'm a revelation."
Then came a detailed description of a certain match in which this fellow saved his side from defeat. "If you want a likely chap, then I'm your man, as I am only a youngster in the true sense of the word, being only 23 years of age.—
Yours hopefully, J. B."

    NOW right away let me say that this sort of stuff is mere "piffle", and in the general way consigned to the waste-paper basket. In the case of the first youngster it is perfectly obvious to anyone who knows anything at all about football that he is obsessed with the idea that, to be able to play in almost any position is the ideal recommendation.
    This is not so. The lad who declares himself to be ''Jack of all Trades” generally proves, to be master of none. This is my advice so far as being versatile is concerned.
    Don't bother a scrap about trying to "fit the bill" in every position. Find your position first, the position you consider best according to your abilities and physical structure. Then stick to it. I could name at least a dozen players in first-class football today who consider that their versatility has been a considerable handicap to their career.
    Thus does the youngster who writes to the professional club manager in the above strain wait in vain for a reply.
    In the same way does the youth suffer whose application for a trial game is full of praise of his own doings. The modern football manager bestows very little thought for the egotist. Never brag; it is fatal.
I do not condemn altogether this letter-writing business containing credentials, for I know several big footballers who can trace their introduction into big football by this method.
Millwall have adopted a very sensible attitude with regard to this question. All applications for trial games are now very carefully selected and filed. At some time in the subsequent future, the youths are then watched at play, with their own clubs, where their form can more easily be gauged.
This procedure, I think, is a wise one, for a lad is more likely to demonstrate his actual playing abilities amongst his own club-mates than playing amongst professionals, in strange surroundings.

    Here is another little bit of sound advice. Once you have caught the eye of a big League club, and terms are offered you to become & professional, think very hard before you finally make up your mind. Some lads are so anxious and enthusiastic to turn pro, that they sometimes rush heedlessly along without giving it proper thought.
    Before accepting and setting out on their great adventure -for it is nothing more or less- youngsters should so arrange matters that everything is in order at home, and that if they don't "come off “ in first-class football, they can return and take up their former life where they left it.
League football is so very different to junior football, and the tragedy of it all is that the promising youngster from the small club doesn't realise how great the difference is until he has experienced the change.

# # #

GENERALLY, the first offer which comes in the way of the young player is in the nature of a month's trial. Well, I do not want to oppose this form of trial altogether, because I myself "fell for it" in my early days, a step which I have never regretted. Yet, I have seen many cases of boys who have failed to stand the test. At the end of the probation period they have been quietly told that they were not wanted, and they have had to return whence they came. What then would happen to these "not wanteds” when they arrived back home, if they had not prepared themselves for this emergency?
    That is why I am not afraid to advise all young men not to throw up their occupations entirely when the chance eventually comes along.
    A friend of mine not long ago was offered a month's trial with a First League club. He was I8 years of age, and so sure was he that he “fit the bill" that he at once threw in his job.
    You can imagine his surprise and disappointment when, at the end of the month, he was told that his services would not be required. As he had no job to go back to, you will see his folly!
    Before I close, I would also like to warn all youngsters who are serving apprenticeships, not to give them up for the sake of becoming professional footballers. Any thinking manager will see to it that an opportunity is given to "finish your time" if you insist upon it, even though you may sign professional forms in the meantime.

“Look before you leap, lads!" - JIMMY SEED


Football as a Profession.

Are League Players Paid Enough?

When I left school I went to work in a coal mine, and I continued to work there until what I looked upon as a stroke of good luck altered my whole outlook. Often, and especially after a big match, I think of and wonder at the remarkable alteration that has been brought about in my life.
There is a time in the lives of all men when they pause to cast a backward glance over their careers. If they feel that they have chosen the right occupation and done just as well as they would want to do if they had their time to come over again, they may count themselves more than fortunate.
Sometimes I wonder if I have done right in becoming a professional footballer, and honestly, I think I have.
It is not easy to assess the economic value of a footballer. When I worked in the pit, I helped to get coal. I had resigned myself to that occupation - and it is coal which keeps the wheels of industry revolving. Then, I had a definite economic value.
    Of what value am I, or any of any colleagues for that matter, now? We are professional footballers. We do not produce anything of commercial worth. Have we any economic value at all?
    There are times when I feel that I can hardly find justification for the career I have adopted; I play football for my living -in my earliest days I worked down the pit for my living- but this is all the benefit I get out of the game. Certainly I like football immensely, but playing it professionally is work all the same.
    Thousands of other people get something out of the game which I can never hope to have. They get away from the work which they have to face on five and a half days of each week, and the thrills and excitement of the football match enable them to 'forget their cares and worries', and provide something of a stimulant for them.
    I find consolation in the fact that I am playing to entertain and endeavour to please the workers of the country, and I find the same justification for my existence as the music-hall artists, and the cinema stars do.

Not an Easy Job.

    It is not an easy job becoming a professional footballer, even when a man has the ability and the chance. Football is alright for the man who can afford to spend years acquiring skill which has no commercial price put upon it, and who has a private income. He can go into the game free from troubles.
    But let that amateur footballer find himself compelled to take up the game as a living. He sells himself to the moneyed public, and accordingly, he drops in the social scale.
    He will soon find that there is not the same joy in the game when his living depends upon his play, as there was when he could play for the love of the sport. Call football work, and then half the pleasure is gone. It is nice to play in a match for the game's sake after a hard week's work. It is very different when football is a duty.
    An amateur has not the same responsibilities as a professional. He had not the same desire for success, and I will go so far as to say that the professional plays more earnest football I than does the amateur. He has to.
    Often one hears the remark: ' I wish I was professional footballer.” Some people look upon the life as one of the easiest and best. The professional knows that that view is quite wrong.
Some men say: "Look at the money they get."

Underpaid ?

    Let us look at the money they get. On an average, a clean living player who does what is right cannot save more than £1 a week all the year round, be he married or single. Statistics prove that the length of the ordinary footballer's playing career varies from eight to ten years'
    If he has saved £1 a week during that period -he must consider himself extremely fortunate if he has- he will have, say, £500 in the bank. Give him a benefit of £500, and then when he doffs his jersey for the last time he may have £1,000 with which to start a new career.
    This £1,000 represents the most the player can hope for under present conditions, though he may be one of the cleverest footballers in the kingdom. The amount is usually very much less.
    Honestly, I say the professional footballer is underpaid. Our living depends upon the success we achieve in the game; but this very difficult to obtain, and once obtained it is very difficult to hold.
I know players who have given up the game -some because they could not stand the strain of the responsibility, and some because they were not fitted.
    Once a player enters professional ranks he gives up his former employment. He should be given a wage large enough to enable him to save sufficient money to make him alright when he has to leave the game.
    A professional footballer should be paid according to his abilities. Team work, of course is the basis of success, but there are players with outstanding ability, and these men should be paid according to their value to the club.
    The bonus system should be scrapped. I make bold to forecast that it will not be in operation next season.

One Man's Opinion.

    Travelling from Nottingham to Newcastle recently, I found myself in a compartment along with four other travellers. The conversation drifted on to football, and then on to the "rottenness' with which they suggested the professional game was tainted. They accused footballers of being anything but straight, and one went to the extreme saying that all footballers were crooked, and that there was not one who could not hide behind a corkscrew.
    I asked the man who made this assertion what his grounds were. His answer surprised me, as much as it will surprise you.
    "Look at the Newcastle United v. Liverpool matches," he said. "Newcastle beat Liverpool away, and then lose to them at St. James's Park. Surely that's proof that the bookies have got at someone."
    Of course, such talk as this is very ridiculous. I mention this incident to show that there are people who are always ready to cause trouble if they can, and also to show that these people know very little about the game.
    Football is much more of a business than it once was, but it is still a very fine game, and a game, I venture to suggest, which the country could not afford to do without. - JIMMY SEED


Do referees want more help?

Methods of Control in the Faster Game.
(Special to “The Sports Post,") 
    THE laws of the Association game have changed, and a new style of play has developed.
Before the offside law was altered, it was a necessity to display a great deal of caution before you could initiate and carry out effectively an attack upon your opponents' goal. The slackness in this particular phase of football and the many stoppages for the offside whistle has brought us to where we now stand.
    The slow and -they had to be- methodical advances necessary under the old law have gone; and in their place we see much more freedom and scope for the forwards. Dashing raids along the touchline by the wingers, and piercing thrusts down the middle by the enterprising centre forward are tactics made fashionable by the new conditions.
    Because of this increased rapidity of movement, when, in the twinkling of an eye we see the ball switched from one end of the field to the other, the position of the referee has become a more exacting one in the demand for speed.
    By general assent, there is today a greater need for activity on tine part of the referee. To say that it is possible for him to keep pace with the modern game would be straying from the truth. He simply can't do it.
    Here is an illustration which .happened in one of our games recently, and is only one of the many instances which occur in almost every League game. 
    A corner kick was given against us, and the kick was taken, then cleared by the full back, who volleyed the ball with a mighty punt down the field towards our outside right. 
    Without staying its progress, the winger feathered the ball, and off he careered down the field, pushed the ball past the approaching full back for the centre forward to take in his stride (he would have been offside under the rule of last season). The centre forward beat the second full back, and had the ball in the net before the majority of our opponents had actually left the positions they had taken up for the corner kick. 
    That's the way the pendulum for referees is winging in the new football.

    There have been more cases this season of goals being claimed than ever before, and the claims have been because the presiding official wasn't able to see clearly whether the ball was over the line or not.  Of course, whenever there is any doubt at all, the defending side get the benefit of it; but it is a poor consolation to those claiming the goal, especially when such occasions wheres championships and relegation are at stake. The value of a goal is not clear at that moment but when the final reckoning is made at the end of the season.
    Thus, then, do we find that there are those seriously advocating some other means of control which would eliminate any possibilty of unfairness in this direction.  Some  would like to see two referees —one for each half of the field- whilst the suggestion of goal judges has gained a fair measure of support.      The former system, I think, is hardly practicable. With a referee in each half, there should be no doubt as to off-side and the legitimacy of goals, and corner kicks would come within easy judgement; but there arc other difficulties which beset the scheme. For instance, it would mean added expense to the majority of clubs who can ill-afford it.  Then again, divided control of the playing area would create fresh difficulties; but of the tvvo proposals, I certainly prefer it rather than the plan"for the introduction of goal judges.
    This idea of goal judges I hope will not be considered seriously. Five officials for a single*. f<ame are certainly not necessary. The expense involved would be negligible ?o far a? the big clubs were concerned: but there are smaller clubs "who would consider the added expenses too high altogether. The duties of the judges would be to remain in the vicinity of the goal posts and to determine whether or not the ball had passed over the goal-line.

Goal Judges and their Scope.

    While on this point I would like to add that before a goal can be awarded, the whole of the ball must have passed over the line, a technical point no doubt, but one which has caused a lot of discussion whenever the legitimacy of a goal is questioned.
    The introduction of these "goal judges" might tend towards the elimination of mistakes in this direction; but how many times during the course of a season would they be called upon to exercise their judgment?
    They might not be called into action for several matches at a stretch: and here I think is the great drawback to this scheme.
    We want to evolve the best methods of governing: and controlling the games, but we can do this, I am sure, by still adhering to the present number of officials.

Co-operation With Linesmen.

    The linesman of today is a more important person than hitherto, and if he would only realise the fact, and if referees would work in harmony with him, there would not be so much talk about goal judges and such like.
    With the three officials working in unison, and not afraid to use their sprinting powers in an attempt to keep up with the new football, everything should work smoothly enough.
    In some cases this season, where goals have been claimed and not awarded, it appears that none of the three officials were on the spot and able to say definitely "Yes" or "No".  Now, while I admit that this contingency may happen in any match, it is less likely to occur if the officials have a proper working arrangement. It is not for me to lay down which is the best plan to adopt as an arrangement between the man in the middle and those on the touch line; but I am sure that, with a little common sense and ordinary judgment, the referee's and linesmen's duties can be made a more enjoyable one than is usually the case.
    During this reason's football I have seen some splendidly controlled matches, whilst in others it has been just the opposite, possibly because the officials engaged had not the necessary working arrangement; which, as I have pointed out, is now more essential than ever. - JIMMY SEED


[From: "Don't shoot the ref. - He's doing his best! Queer football customs on the continent described by Jimmy Seed of the "Spurs." 
(Newspaper article - Publication unknown. 1926)]

  'Outside the ranks of professional footballers, and those concerned with the management of League clubs, there is very little known of Continental Soccer. Therefore, my experiences of the game out yonder may make some sort of appeal.
   People want to know just how the foreigner takes to it, how they play the game, and what chance it has of making further progress. My idea is that it has every chance, providing there is proper management and confirmation to the rules that are necessary to all bodies when thousands of men are concerned.
   My experience has shown me that, taking them on the average, teams in Continental countries are about on a level, in playing strength, with the lower placed Third Division clubs. Mind you, it would not be difficult to get a Continental eleven together who would give our best teams a run for their money, as witness the defeats administered to Notts County and Bolton Wanderers last summer.
  What foreigners lack in ordinary football ability is somewhat counter-balanced by their great speed, but the pity of it is, they have not thoroughly grasped the correct reading of football laws. Of course, the laws of the game prove troublesome to us all at times, but abroad the players, spectators, aye, and referees too, do not quite get what is legal and what is not.
  In that vital matter of rough play the foreigner will tell you it is not his intention to copy the methods of some of the English clubs who, I am sorry to say, have got the reputation for dirty play. Whether that reputation is justified or not I will leave to the reader to judge.

'The Swiss Miss Us.

   I will recall a certain match that took place in Switzerland between a chosen eleven of that country and the 'Spurs' during our tour last summer. We had played six games in all without suffering defeat, and had completed our series of games for the tour. The Swiss football authorities, however, asked our directors to remain in the country for a further two days to enable them to have another shot at us. This we consented to do, although I may add we were sorry for it afterwards.
  Just before we went out on to the field Peter McWilliam came into our dressing-room to warn us about what might happen, and told us to avoid injury at all cost. He said that the Swiss authorities had got together the best possible eleven (which included two Austrians and a German) in an endeavour to lower our colours.
   Before the game had been in progress five minutes it was plain to see that our opponents were out to win at any price. They played is such a grim and relentless manner that one would have though their very lives depended on the result. The referee seemed to be imbued with the same spirit. Every time we looked like scoring he would stop the game and give a decision one way or another.
   When Alec Lindsay ran from his own half past everybody, including the goalie, and quietly tapped the ball into the net, that ref had no alternative but to signal a goal.
   In the second half Mr Ref awarded his own countrymen a penalty for an offense that we do not understand to this day.
  When we tackled him about this afterwards he would not explain his action. The centre forward who took the kick, however, put the ball over the bar!

Getting our Goat.
   Talk about excitement! I have rarely seen a set of players so excited about a game as this lot were. In their eagerness to equalise, they fell over themselves in front of goal, and hustled and bustled into us whenever any of our chaps had the ball.
    It is all very well for people to say that one must remember one's an Englishman when on the Continent, but there are time when the unruly antics of the foreigner "get's one's goat."
    Anyhow, to cut a long story short, we left the field winners by the only goal, but I venture to say it was not the result with which we were so much interested. We were mighty glad to leave the field uninjured. I can tell you, though, that we were a tired and sore eleven who travelled back to England that night.

Substitutes for Injuries.

   Talking of injuries reminds me of a curious law which exists in some of the Continental countries. When a player is injured his place is taken by a reserve player, who stands throughout the game in front of the grandstand.
  In one of our games the centre-half of the home side twisted his knee and was carried off. When the game was resumed we were surprised to find a strange face opposing us, and on enquiring into it we were told that it was the usual practise for a reserve player to take the place of a man who was injured during the course of the game.
  This point has, I think, been debated at length in this country, but I do not think it would be advisable to try it.
  Crowds, taken generally, are not very big. The average is somewhere round about 6,000, who pay two francs entrance fee - worth about 1/10 in English money. Although they cannot by any stretch of the imagination be called partisan, they give plenty of encouragement.
   Of course, the vocal encouragement given by the crowd differs very much from our own spectators. When a forward gets the ball and looks like making progress, the crowd will begin to shout something which resembles a succession of "UPs" and it will be continuous until he gets rid of the ball.
  On taking the field the visitors are greeted with a lot of handclapping, which clearly shows the regard spectators have for Englishmen. Both teams invariably line up in the centre of the field, when a speech of welcome to the visitors is made in English by one of the chosen football authorities. A bouquet is then presented to the visiting captain as a token of friendship and esteem. The speech maker then retires and the captain of the home team gives a signal for a shout of welcome by his men, which interpreted means something in the nature of three cheers.

Other Opinions.

   Tommy Clay, our right full-back, who toured the continent before the war, and was also one of our party last summer, is in a better position to judge accurately the rapid strides our Continental friends have made during the past few years.
  "Before the war," he says, "it was just a matter of how many goals visitors would win by. The foreigners used to meet the ball with the toe instead of the instep, and rush hither and thither, regardless of position, in an attempt to get a kick at the ball. But now things are altogether different, and I am quite prepared to state that in the very near future clubs on the Continent will be challenging and beating us at our own game, as the Aussies have done at cricket." So says Tommy Clay.
   There is need for much improvement in Switzerland and other countries with regard to the football grounds. They are badly kept and badly attended to, but all that is a question of money and knowledge, and that will come in good time.
   Bill Henderson, who toured Holland with West Ham United, tells me that the grounds in that country are wonderfully level and the turf spongy. "In fact," he argues, "many First Division clubs in England do not possess grounds anything like them, which makes it a real pleasure to play on them."
   The Dutch are unquestionably approaching our own general standard of play, and those that have toured that country are unanimous in stating that Holland posses some of the finest players in the world. I know of three of them who have been approached by English clubs for their services - but nothing doing; they prefer to remain in Holland.
   They are amateurs, of course, and like most foreigners, view the game of football as a sport and not a means of livelihood.'
[From newspaper article: "Don't shoot the ref. - He's doing his best! Queer football customs on the continent described by Jimmy Seed of the 'Spurs." Newspaper unknown. 1926]


Friday, 18 December 2020


Want to know more about the life and times of Jimmy Seed?

I've started a separate blog which will take a look at his life in more detail.

I've just published a post about his little sister Minnie, which followed a post about his early years.

Saturday, 14 July 2018








James Smith


Billy Walker - Aston Villa


Alf Strange, Wednesday and England Half-Back

Wednesday, 13 June 2018


This is one of my favourite (modern era) pieces of  writing about Jimmy Seed:


Neil Dixe Wills discovers the life and times of Jimmy Seed, through his classic autobiography The Jimmy Seed Story

“Eventually there will be a soccer League of Nations with clubs flying off to South America in little more time than it would take Newcastle to travel to Plymouth by train. These days may not be realised in my time, but they are coming.” Meet Jimmy Seed: child soldier, double title-winner, leviathan of The Valley and, judging by the statement above, pretty useful soothsayer.
Seed’s is a story forever teetering on the brink of caricature: early teens down t’pit, the inevitably failed first trial with Sunderland and the return, Boy’s Own style, to score a hat-trick and book his ticket out of the mines in April 1914. Bad timing all round, really. Football stopped soon afterwards and the war dragged on sufficiently for Jimmy to become old enough to join the Cyclist Corps. He was duly gassed and sent home. To add insult to injury, when he reported back at Roker Park he discovered that he’d been offloaded to non-League Mid-Rhondda.
That’s about as bad as it ever got. From Wales he went to Tot­tenham, winning the 1921 FA Cup. Six years later Spurs sold him to Sheffield Wednesday be­cause he refused a £1 per week pay cut. 

Such a transfer sounds innocuous enough but I defy anyone to come up with a more cataclysmic sale in all of history. With ten matches remaining, Wednesday were seven points adrift at the foot of the First Division. New signing Seed was appointed cap­tain. They collected 17 points out of 20 (including four off Spurs – Jimmy scoring in both games, naturally) and finished 14th. Seed led them to the championship the next season. Oh, and the season after that. Spurs, on the other hand, plummeted from seventh before Easter and were relegated. They spent the next five years in the Second Division. Whoops.

Success mercilessly dogged Seed when he moved from the pitch to the dug-out. He spent 23 years as secretary-manager of Charlton, taking them from the Third Division to the First, was pipped for the championship the next season and then kept them in the First Division despite having to make a profit on player transfers every year. There was also the matter of back-to-back FA Cup final appearances (oddly enough, the two “bursting ball” finals), winning the latter one. Seed was a Dave Bassett long before the phrase “doing a Wimbledon” ever troubled our lexicon. The Dons connection doesn’t end there. The Charlton owners, as a tax dodge, wanted to move the club permanently to South Africa. Makes Dublin seem quite sane by comparison.

As in much of life, the real fascination with The Jimmy Seed Story comes from what it doesn’t tell you. His entire wartime service merits just one paragraph. More intriguing still, his England appearances are afforded a mere four words: “ playing career with Sunderland, Mid-Rhondda, Spurs, Sheffield Wednesday and, of course, England.” It does make you wonder just how bad it can have been to justify reducing the experience to a conjunction, an adverbial phrase and a proper noun. 

However, one story he does deign to narrate is that of Charlton’s hilarious-if-it-didn’t-happen-to-you South American tour. On arrival in Colombia their passports were taken from them by their hosts, club side Millonarios. They were then held captive and told which teams they would have to play before they were allowed home. They subsequently fetched up in Peru and Ecuador, and took part in a mass brawl with Argentine players which was only broken up when armed troops stormed the pitch. With exemp­lary understatement, Seed con­cludes that after that he preferred close-season tours to Sweden.

The promotions aside, the book makes for heart-rending reading for Charlton fans. Seed’s book is full of the greatness that might have been theirs. To say that, but for a poor decision in the boardroom and the rise of the motorised bus, they could have emulated Arsenal is no idle speculation. In 1932, the Gliksten brothers planned to make Charlton the most glamorous club in England and increase the capacity of The Valley to a gob-smacking 200,000. Then they fatally baulked at the pittance required to bring Stanley Matthews to the capital. The decline of the tram helped kill off big gates at Charlton and from then on they became a selling club.

Seed claims that even in the years before and after the Second World War “the cheque book ruled football” and that corruption or attempted corruption was rife. However, the overwhelming scent that rises from the now delicately sepia-ed pages is that of an inn­ocence long since banished from the game. The book teems with brims of trilbies, half-back lines consisting of Joblings, Pugsleys and Biswells, and presentations of handsome pen-and-pencil sets. Call me a hopeless romantic if you like but, somehow, I prefer that.

From WSC 158 April 2000

Tuesday, 12 June 2018


'By the time we get to 1970 we want a stadium fit for 1970... In the next 20 years or so grounds which hold more than 40,000 people will be obsolete.'
(Michael Gliksten 1968)

Friday, 8 December 2017


In May 1937 Jimmy Seed's Charlton Athletic headed off on a tour of America and Canada.

The squad is shown on the passenger list from the S S Empress of Australia, which left Southampton on 19 May and arrived in Quebec on 26 May 1937. Information includes the players’ clubs, their next of kin, and even their appearance. It states that the trip has been paid for by Charlton Athletic Club, that every player has been given £10 in US dollars, and that they will be based at the Pennsylvania Hotel in New York.

The entry for James Seed shows that his next of kin is his wife Annie Dixon Seed of 33 New Street Hill, Bromley, Kent, and that he himself is 5ft 10ins tall with a dark complexion, dark hair turning grey, and brown eyes.

The tour is described in a website The Year in American Soccer 1937 as follows:

Charlton Athletic of England: May 30 to June 27, 1937. Results: 5 wins, 1 draw, 0 losses.

Bartram, Boulter, Cann, Ford, Green, Hobbis, Jobling, Oakes, Robinson, Shreeve, Stephenson, Tadman, Tann, Turner, Welsh, Wilkinson, Williams. Manager: James Seed
May 30    Charlton 1, American League Stars 1 (at New York City)
June 2     Charlton 2, West Penn Stars 0 (at Pittsburgh)
June 5     Charlton 4, Michigan Stars 0 (at Detroit)
June 6     Charlton 4, Illinois Stars 1 (at Chicago)
June 26   Charlton 7, East Penn Stars 0 (at Philadelphia)
June 27   Charlton 4, USS FA 0 (at New York City)

Another website gives more detailed information on the Canadian part of the tour…
Charlton Athletic Tour, 1937
Charlton Athletic players were: Sam Bartram, Herbert Turner, Sidney Cann, John Shreeve, Joseph Jobling, John Oakes, Herbert Tann, Donald Welsh, Fred Ford, Monty Wilkinson, George Robinson, George Tadman, Leslie Boulter, Harold Hobbis, Lenard Williams, George Stephenson and George Green. 

June 9, 1937, at Mewata Stadium in Calgary, Alberta
Alberta All-Stars 1 (Barrie) Charlton Athletic 12 (Hobbis 5, Welsh 3, Wilkinson 3, Tadman)

June 13, 1937, at Con Jones Park in Vancouver, British Columbia
Vancouver All-Stars 2 (Spencer, Brown) Charlton Athletic 3 (Welsh 2, Robinson)

June 14, 1937, at Royal Athletic Park in Victoria, British Columbia
Victoria All-Stars 0 Charlton Athletic 4 (Wilkinson, Williams, Welsh 2)

June 17, 1937, in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Saskatchewan All-Stars 2 (Makepease 2) Charlton Athletic 12 (Tadman 7, Wilkins 2, Boulter, Williams, Robinson)

June 19, 1937, in Winnipeg, Manitoba
Manitoba All-Stars 1 (Hampton) Charlton Athletic 9 (Robinson, Welsh 4, Hobbis 2, Wilkinson, Ford)

June 23, 1937, at Consols Stadium in Toronto, Ontario
Ontario All-Stars 1 (Aiken) Charlton Athletic 6 (Hobbis 2, Tadman 3, Green)

July 1, 1937, at Royals Stadium in Montreal, Quebec
Montreal 0 Charlton Athletic 4 (Wilkinson, Hobbis, o.g., Tadman)